How to Get Out Of Depression

You know in light of everything that’s been going on YouTube and just in general in life I thought this information would be really helpful because being depressed sucks and it doesn’t matter how successful how many things you’ve accomplished how much money you have or how low you are doesn’t matter who you are:

I would say that almost everybody at one point in their life has felt some sort of depression or just has felt down on themselves or just crappy about themselves and you also have to keep in mind that there are different levels of the present everything from just being sad and just being down on yourself being a little bit moody to extremely severe clinical depression with suicidal thoughts with every level you are or if you are at that I strongly suggest you do seek out medical or clinical professional help because the brighter side is that all forms can be treated with the right help today.

I’m gonna do my best top 5 tips you can do to fight depression and feel on top of the world let’s hop into it.

The number one thing you can do is to make sure you have a daily routine something that’s gonna keep you busy all day you see because depression literally sucks structure out of your life and you enter this sorrowful self-pity where you just drag around all day and each day just melts into the next day however if you have a daily routine it basically fights that because it makes you feel in control of your life and helps you get back on track so for example breakfast gym then school then work then some time to socialize then you go to bed of course that was just a broad example of what your day could look like but ideally you just want to be preoccupied with tasks you want to complete all day long so you don’t let self-pity creep in and give depression anytime.

Number two you have to make yourself feel better about it let me explain that sometimes depression comes in from the fact that you just feel like crap about yourself you don’t like how you look you don’t like what you see in the mirror well you want to turn that around and make you self-feel again like I said better about yourself so its okay to split to that one shoe you been wanting oh that sure you’ve been wanting if it makes you feel better about yourself so be it.

The third thing you’re gonna want to do to fight off depression and feel amazing is to set goals for yourself there is no better confidence boosting accomplishing something that you set yourself out to do and since you need an immediate boost what I recommend our micro goals something that you can do immediately that days so set goals for that day you can easily accomplish to feel better about yourself so for example you’re gonna go to the gym today you’re gonna try to run a mile today you’re gonna try to hit a new PR today you’re gonna try to meet one new person today you can make it even easier you’re gonna try to eat healthier you’re gonna try to cut out sugar you’re gonna go on tinder to talk to one new female doesn’t matter what it is to set yourself one easy goal that you can accomplish that day the idea is that once you accomplish it you’re gonna feel great you’re gonna feel like you did something productive and that you’re capable of doing so much more and hopefully you’re gonna set more and more goals for yourself to keep making yourself better and keep expanding.

The fourth thing you can do is do something you fear that’s right when you’re feeling down do something that you fear that kind of keeps you in change you wouldn’t otherwise do so some have fear of being alone so I’m one with a fear of height I might have a fear of talking to girls whatever your fear is set out that day to go out and fight against it because what happens is when you actually conquer that fear you’re gonna get a sudden rush of courage and endorphin running through your body in in other words a natural high that will quickly shake you out of your depression you’ll go from being scared to be empowered and free so go out talk to some how girls who cares that they reject you you’re fearless.

Finally number five you’re going to want to remove negative people from your life if you have toxic people around you that make you feel like crap guess what when you’re depressed they’re just gonna drag you down even deeper and make it harder for you to climb out make sure you surround yourself with friends and family that are positive that when you’re around them that you actually have a fun and good time because guess what social interactions when you are just having fun when you are just having a good time it releases those feel-good chemicals in your brain which is that endorphin that I was talking about that makes you feel amazing that shakes you at a depression and puts you on top of the world so we’ve moved talk to people and make sure you surround yourself with just positive people and that’s basically it for this week’s information guys those are the top 5 things you can do to just beat depression.


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